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The camp's sleeping accommodations are dormitories with bunk beds (with limited exceptions), which may not meet the needs of individuals with specific requirements for sleeping arrangements. While we will make every effort to ensure a comfortable weekend, please note that we may not be able to accommodate every request. If you are concerned this could be an issue, please contact Keith D., (214) 906-5183.
The camp can meet certain special dietary needs such as gluten free or vegetarian meals; however, for more exotic dietary regimens, please plan and provide your own specialty food. The camp may be able to assist with preparation of specialty items.
There are two ways to register:
On-line: click Register Online, fill out the Tito form and pay using a credit card. There is an additional processing fee for online registration.
Mail in your registration: Download the registration form (NOT YET AVAILABLE), fill it out for each person attending and mail in the form with payment. Please return them as soon as possible.
THE REGISTRATION FEE IS 125.00. Fees are not refundable, but you can transfer your registration to another person of the same gender.
All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited and when it's filled we can accept no more reservations. Please do not show up at the conference unannounced and expect us to have room.
Golf: If you love to play or just want to enjoy more fellowship! JC Open
Send your registration NOW to assure yourself a place with the finest people in the world for a never-to-beforgotten weekend at the Lakeside Conference. |
Facilities are separate men and women, dormitory style. Remember to bring (long sheets single), pillow, pillowcases, blanket, towel, wash cloth, and soap. There is no smoking inside the facilities. |